Feel the presence of
the Almighty within, with full faith and devotion,
recite the Divine Name
- Nitnem (Daily religious observance). One should perform the ‘Nitnem’ regularly.
It is the treasure, asset, wealth and property of a Sikh. It is the sacred obligation of every baptised Sikh to daily recite at least the following five baanies (Holy Hymns) of Nitnem:
Early Morning: Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Sudha Swaiyae, Chaupayee and Anand Sahib followed by Ardas (prayer). Evening: Rehraas Sahib. Bedtime: Kirtan Sohilla.
They bath in the early dawn and In a state of equipoise they meditate on His Name, Putting red tilak on their forehead they sit amidst Saadh Sangat, Immersed in Naam they sing Guru’s Baani,
Living in Sewa they celebrate Gurpurabs, In the evenings they recite Kirtan Sohilla and Aarti.
Thus they enjoy the fruits of Divine bliss. (Bhai Gurdas)
- Meditation on the divine name
Those who don’t meditate on His Divine Name, What for have they come to this world? (450)
- Wonderous power of meditation
Continuous meditation at all times on the Divine Name with full within my mind is the Love of the Sovereign Lord, devotion and concentration create wondrous power that keeps billions of Suns, Moons, spheres and the entire creations of the Universe moving.
Sant Ji made this observation when an engineer was showing him a power plant, where electricity was being generated by the fast rotation of the dynamo.
- Method of Naam Simran
Feel the presence of the Almighty within, with full faith and devotion. Recite the Divine Name with the tongue. In the beginning, the lips and the tongue continue gently moving up and down and slowly go on uttering ‘Waheguru’, Waheguru’ at a stretch with rapt devotion. Then by and by continue uttering ‘Waheguru’, Waheguru’, gently with the tip of the tongue touching the velum and the lips remaining almost still. In the third stage, with breathing ‘Wahe’ should go along with the breath while inhaling and ‘Guru’ should emerge along with the breath while exhaling.
- The Occult power (Ridhi-Sidhi) is of no avail. The realization of God-consciousness, ‘Atam-Pad’ is at a far higher pedestal.
One who attains purity of mind and heart by love of True Name gets rid of vices. Thus casting away the darkness of ignorance and whimsical whims and fancies. (607)
- Spiritual Humanism is not possible without selfless service.
He, who performs Guru’s service without expecting a reward, attains the blessings of the Lord. (286)
- Rising above the trinity of Tamo, Rajo is the stage of God-consciousness or opening of Trikuti. Realizing the God within is the opening of Dasam Dwaar.
When the bondage of three-pronged Maya is cast away, Then the tenth door opens to bless the person with eternal bliss. (1123) Shabad Guru Surat Dhun Chela (943).
- Sant Ji clarified that our Guru is ‘Shabad’. It is not appropriate to worship ‘the body.
Guru’s Word is the manifestation of the Guru Himself. And the Guru is to be found in the Guru’s Word. (982)
- All Jantras, Mantras and Tantras fade away with the supremacy of Gurbani.
One who listens to the praise of the Lord and recites His Name, His sins and maladies are cast away. (814)
- ‘Panth’ means the Gurmat way of Life. Masses do not constitute ‘Panth’. Those who follow Guru Gobind Singh are the ‘Panth’.
Within my mind is the Love of the Sovereign Lord, The Guru has shown me the path and way to Him. (172)
- One should not make an appeal and Sato is considered as achieving money in Sangat of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
If everybody contributes his ‘Daswandh’ (One-tenth of one’s earnings) there will be no shortage of funds and all the humanitarian work and other activities will run smoothly.
- In the holy congregation, Ardas (prayer) needs to be performed briefly and the request too should be short.
Sant Ji also used to advise that it is not appropriate to stand with a naked sword in hand before Sri Guru Granth Sahib while offering prayer (Ardas). Without utterance knows He all our yearnings, Before whom should we lay our request?